About 8 years ago, I did some commercial painting for a US firm specializing in limited edition reproductions.
I did learn a lot in a very short time, but it was very stressful, too.
Of one of the original paintings that sold, the collector contacted me to paint two 'add ons', one for each side as the new living space requires a bigger painting.
I have the original painting here now and ordered all the supplies in and set to work.
As you can see, the painting is not my usual style, the focus on this piece was to select harmonious flowers in muted colours to go with neutral interior colour palettes.
Anyhow, I am trying now- 8 years later- to create pieces to fit this style, select complimentary flowers in colours that would add to the original piece- and here you see how far I got by this afternoon after quite some time thinking, contemplating, sketching and researching. I have a schedule to finish beginning of September, so I'll keep working along and will post for you to see the final product.
Below are some impressions from last weekend's Opening of my art show at Jerome Andrews' Gallery and his grounds, so beautiful!
I loved the fog rolling in-and-out and the sun trying to burn it off, really magical!
Thank you to all of you that made it out and stopped in, it was so nice to see you- knowing especially the extra effort it takes visiting the island by ferry and taking the 'winding road' less travelled!
My Display at Jerome Andrews Gallery Opening, August 23, 2015
Jerome is a gracious host and loves to interact with visitors. Thank you!
On another note: I am thinking of doing another vintage camper challenge for September, so if you know of anyone that would like to submit a photo for a possible camper portrait, please send them my way!
If you own a camper or vintage car and would like to submit a photo resulting possibly in a painting, please submit your photo to my email: simone.ritter.art@gmail.com or attach it in a FB message (Simone Ritter Art).
- You will give me permission to use your photo for creating a small watercolour painting and offering the finished painting for sale.
- You may purchase the painting if you so wish, however there's no obligation to do so.
- If I receive more than 31 photos, I reserve the right to choose specific photos over others, depending on clarity, contrast and colour harmony of the submission photos.
- The finished painting will be featured on my blog and facebook page and in a collage of all September paintings and possibly as a Spoonflower-camper-collage-design-fabric.
- I will not share your name or email address on my blog, if your camper has a nickname you'd like to share, I might use it.
- I might select a few paintings to be made into greeting cards. If you'd be interested to have your camper featured, let me know. Only campers that I have written permission will be selected.
There's nothing to loose and a fun time to join me! I hope you can join me! I'm looking forward to your sweet vintage campers and car submissions!
Thank you and stay in touch and God's blessings to you! Simone
Thank you and stay in touch and God's blessings to you! Simone
Vor ungefaehr 8 Jahren habe ich fuer eine US Firma gemalt die sich auf Kunstdrucke in limitierter Auflage spezialisiert war.
Ich lernte sehr viel in sehr kurzer Zeit, aber es war sehr viel Druck- zeitlich und kreativ.
Der Besitzer eines meiner Originalbilder kontaktierte mich und fragte an fuer zwei weitere Bilder in der Serie, eines fuer jede Seite, denn
die neuen Wohnräume bräuchten ein groesseres Format.
Ich habe nun das Original hier und alle Farben und Leinwand um 8 Jahre später zu versuchen im gleichen Stil zu malen. Es dauerte einige Zeit bis ich mich mental darauf eingestellt hatte; welche Blumen passen? Welche Farben komplimentieren das Original?
Meine deadline ist Anfang September, so werde ich euch auf dem Laufenden halten, wie's vorangeht und ein Foto vom fertigen 3-teiligem Gemälde schicken.
Die Fotos oben sind von meiner Vernissage vergangenen Sonntag bei Jerome Andrews' Gallerie. Sein Grundstück direkt am Meer ist wirklich wunderschön und die vorbeiziehenden Nebelschwaden über dem Wasser tauchten die Nachmittagssonne in magisches Licht.
Danke allen, die den weiten Weg auf sich genommen haben, inklusive Faehre und kurvenreichen Nebenstrassen, vielen Dank!
Ich werde wieder Oldtimer Wohnwagen malen, im September, falls ihr jemanden wisst mit einem (europäischen?) Wohnwagen oder Oldtimer Auto/Traktor usw., ich bin am Fotos sammeln, oben in Englisch sind ein paar Outlines. Keine Kaufverpflichtung aber auch keine Malverpflichtung (meinerseits) falls mehr als 30 Einsendungen kommen. Die besten Fotos sind mit starken Kontrasten (zB: hell-dunkel; Sonne-Schatten; bunte Farben, interessante Umgebung, usw.)
Es gibt nichts zu verlieren, aber viel Spass fuer alle Beteiligten! Ich hoffe ihr könnt mitmachen!
Bis bald und Gottes Segen! eure Simone
Selfie Markus and I on the ferry ride back! Happy Summer from New Brunswick!