Thursday, September 24, 2015

1967 Holiday Rambler

1967 Holiday Rambler
orig. watercolour, 5x7in approx.
more info and purchase: click here

Camper of the Day is this 1967 Holiday Rambler. When you look at other '67 makes I have painted the last few days here and here, you see how much more modern its lines look compared to industry competitors, which comes from Holiday Rambler being heralded as one of industry's leader.
Here's what says: "Holiday Rambler was responsible for many firsts; built-in refrigerators, holding tanks, aerodynamic radius-ed corners and originated the 48-inch-wide dinette/bed concept. In 1961, Holiday Rambler’s introduction of aluminum body framing ushered in a new era of lighter, stronger and more durable recreational vehicles (RVs). This aluminum frame became the standard for lighter and stronger RVs for 40 years."

Now, if that's not something to be proud of! According to the website, they were the first ones to introduce 'slide out's' and also, the company got bought in 1986 from Harley Davidson and sold 10 years later.

I always learn something new every day when painting these campies- an educational trip!
Let's see what strikes me tomorrow for a painting... I never know!!!
Thanks for stopping by and blessings to you!                                                                 Simone

PS: This month of Leslie Saeta's painting challenge is coming to a close, I had so much fun- Thank you for journeying with me!

Wohnwagen des Tages ist heute dieser 1967 Holiday Rambler. When ich mir die anderen 1967 Camperportraits der vergangenen Tage anschaue hier und hier, sehe ich wieviel moderner sein Karosseriedesign ist. Das kommt daher, dass Holiday Rambler in vielen Punkten Industry Leader ist in Neuerfindungen. 
Und das ist etwas auf das man auch richtig stolz sein kann! Der TinCanTourist Website zufolge waren sie die ersten mit 'slide outs' und interessant ist auch dass Harley Davidson die Firma gekauft hat in 1986 und dann 10 Jahre spaeter wiederverkauft hat.

Ich lerne immer was neues mit diesen Wohnwagen!
Ich bin schon gespannt was ich morgen malen werde- ich weiss dass immer erst kurz vorher!
Danke fuer's vorbeigucken und eine gesegnete Nacht, zzzz!                                     Simone

#30in30 #vintagecamper #holidayrambler #thirtypaintingsinthirtydays #lesliesaeta

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